
I was inspired to create this after reading the now page on Derek Sivers’ site. I’ve heard him interviewed on several podcasts and have been harvesting his insights and thinking when I think they’d be useful for making my life better. I’m also adding a “currently reading” section to this as a permanent section.

Last updated: November 16, 2024, from my home in Minneapolis.

Currently Reading

Working on a basic-bitch overview of algorithms called Dive Into Algorithms. It’ll be my launchpad into more advanced stuff. I’ve also got Tom Wolfe’s The Right Stuff waiting in the wings.


Today marked what will probably be my last outdoor ride in Minnesota this year. It was cold, windy as hell (whitecaps on Lake Harriet), and generally pretty brutal. I did about half of a Tour de Tucson, with the full one just a week away. And then I will be resorting to a lot of indoor trainer rides for the winter.


I signed up for Notion, and am exploring moving to that from Todoist. I like Todoist, I jive with it well, and I like that it has an API, but the idea of getting a second brain built around Notion has a lot of appeal. I’m starting to move a lot of notes about things into Notion and hopefully it’ll be my new home for all manner of the shit that normally fills my brain.