
I was inspired to create this after reading the now page on Derek Sivers’ site. I’ve heard him interviewed on several podcasts and have been harvesting his insights and thinking when I think they’d be useful for making my life better.

Last updated: July 5, 2024, from my home in Minneapolis.

Job Hunting

While I was on my honeymoon, my entire department was re-organized and there were layoffs. I didn’t get laid off until I got back to work on Tuesday morning. C’est la vie. Job hunt is underway.

Puppy Boot Camp

So Joey is off at bootcamp — while she’s ridiculously smart and pretty easy to train, there’s just some things that we haven’t quite gotten her to do. Among those: walking on a leash without acting like a total psychopath, and not jumping up on people. So she’ll be going to boot camp for three weeks, and learning those things, plus a few more. I really missed her while we were in the Bahamas for our honeymoon, so not having her around for three weeks is going to suuuuuck.

Back to Training

My back seems to be improving a lot lately, which is nice. I won’t be ready for the DAMN this year, but I can be ready for the Tour de Tucson, which Di and I will both be riding this year. We’re going to get her a Wahoo Kickr Core for her gravel bike and get her her own TrainerRoad account so that we can grind out miles during inclement weather (which seems like most days with all the rain Minnesota is getting this year).


I picked up a guitar at the end of April. I’m learning. Not quickly, but I am learning. Going through the basics slowly, while fucking around with tab. Trying to figure out how to play “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles (Di’s favorite song by them). It’s a good, meditative practice. I like it. Also ordered my first pedal in early June, which is going to be fun to play with.

Non-Fiction Writing

Starting to outline the ideas I want to cover, just to make sure that everything gets addressed in the first draft. This is going to be an interesting diversion from the usual fiction writing that I do.