Accomplishments: August 2024

August was going to be a busy month regardless of what I intended, due to a bunch of pre-scheduled stuff and the job hunt. So I decided that my plans were going to be to get those things done and done well.

  • take the planed vacation in Rocky Mountain National Park
  • take the planned Vegas vacation
  • keep crushing the job interviews

RMNP Vacation

Oh man, this was epic and awesome and difficult and troubling all at the same time. Rather than beat a dead horse here, I’ll just link to the recap that I wrote on the topic.

Vegas Vacation

Holy shit, this was off the fucking hook. Do kids still say that? Or would it be better to describe this as ‘sigma’? The Killers put on a fantastic concert, as usual, and everything else we did was amazing. Great food, great entertainment, and we’re looking forward to going back in the near future. (After I’m back to work.)

Job Hunt

Been crushing interviews, but I keep missing out or getting ghosted. A little disheartening.

Minor/Other Accomplishments

  • Didi and I spent the Saturday after we got back from RMNP cleaning and organizing our storage unit. Some stuff got tossed, some got donated, and some got earmarked for a future garage sale. We also identified that we may or may not have a Lego addiction. Overall, we left feeling accomplished and organized.
  • Been working for Camperoni in a freelance capacity, along with a few other projects.
  • Got the kids prepped and ready to go back to school.
  • Got myself vaccinated with the new flu and COVID-19 boosters.


  • Had my COVID and flu vaccines on the same day. Wipes me out when this happens, and I spent about 36 hours barely able to get off my ass.


Onward. Forward.

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