Accomplishments: June 2024

Going into June, I didn’t expect to get a ton of shit done in my personal life projects, largely because I was going to be up to my ass in wedding preparations. I was also going to be spending the last week of the month in the Bahamas on my honeymoon, so I was probably … Read more

Accomplishments: May 2024

Coming into May, I knew that I had a lot of stuff coming up for the summer, and that I was going to be pinched for time in May (and June) of this year. So this month’s goals were to blast through a pre-set list of smaller tasks, in an attempt to at least be … Read more

Accomplishments: April 2024

Getting shit done again was the theme of the month. Magic the Scanning I don’t even know how I thought this was going to be possible, to be honest. There’s so much more to do on this that it’s not even funny. Fail. Finish the BMC Build This was supposed to be done in March, … Read more

Accomplishments: March 2024

With training for the DAMN ramping up hard in March, I needed to get my shit together and keep the giant goals more dialed-in for the month. That’s okay. The reduced time between training and tackling items for the 101 Things project both meant that I felt like I was getting things done this month … Read more

Accomplishments: February 2024

February rolled in ridiculously warm this year, and it really fucked with my sense of what had to be done when. Based on gut feeling, I decided that one of my accomplishments was going to be a large-scale cleaning of the whole damn house. Spring Cleaning We got started on this the first weekend of … Read more

Accomplishments: January 2024

January always feels like the calm before and after the storm. The chaos of the holidays is over, but the insanity of the year is going to ramp up soon. Thus, I was reluctant to plan much for January. Thus, it was a short list. AZ-104 Certification This to-do was my white whale of 2023. … Read more

Accomplishments: December 2023

After a fucking awesome November, I was pretty confident at the start of the month. I decided, again, to throttle myself, especially with the holidays coming up. So I set up, what I thought were some pretty reasonable goals for the month. Resume Training Holy shit, yes. I took a couple weeks off after the … Read more

101 Things in 1001 Days

Years and years ago, in this blog, I used to do this thing called “101 Things in 1001 Days”, in which I’d attempt to do everything on a list in a reasonable amount of time. I was never highly successful at it, basically because I was an overambitious idiot and frequently in situations in that … Read more

Accomplishments: November 2023

With some travel to Tucson in the agenda, plus Thanksgiving, plus work stuff, and a social life and all that shit, I was going to have to be fucking realistic about my to-do list for November. I kept the list to short, manageable tasks, and anything else was just going to be gravy. Linguistics Coursework … Read more