Accomplishments: July 2024

Normally, I start drafting these posts on the first of every month, but this month was a little different. Didi and I got home from our honeymoon on the 1st and we were pretty wiped out, and had some errands to run, and by the time we were done, we had no gas left in the tank, metaphorically speaking. Then on the second, I got laid off from my job. Oops! The upside here, is that it really simplified my to-do list making, and it also provided me with a bunch of free time to get a bunch of shit done. For July my plan was:

  • Kick some ass on the job hunt, have at least 4 interviews, maybe even land something.

Job Hunt

Hell yes. Crushed this — yeah, I’ve had at least four interviews. I’ve kind of lost count. I could consult my tracking spreadsheet, but that seems like a waste of time. As of this writing, I’ve got a part-time freelance-ish gig for a local tech startup, and I’m waiting to hear on a few roles.

Minor/Other Accomplishments

  • Tuned up my old Salsa Campeón and Di’s Trek 7.3FX in preparation to sell them. (She fell in love with her new Specialized Diverge Carbon and doesn’t see a future need for her Trek.)
  • Concerts! Didi and I went to the Minnesota Yacht Club Festival, and the highlights were Durry, Michigander, and Alanis Morrissette on Day 1, and the Offspring and Red Hot Chili Peppers on Day 2.
  • The week after that, we had Sammy/Daddy day — we took Sam to Top Golf, where despite never having held a club before, he proceeded to eviscerate Didi and me in every game we played. After that, he and I went to go see the Foo Fighters in concert, which we loved.


  • Didi spent a couple nights in the hospital during the week after the honeymoon, due to some diabetes complications. All good now, though.


In spite of everything, July was a good month.

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