Introducing: Calvin

Part III in the introduction to our armada of cats. Calvin was not a planned adoption. When I met the little guy, I had only vaguely thought about getting Scout a friend, as Mooch had very little interest in Scout’s psychotic brand of play. So in November of 2007, I was at a Petsmart in … Read more

Introducing: Scout

I’m not normally the type to talk about my cats super-extensively on here. My posts about Mooch’s euthanization this last summer don’t count — that was a pretty tough time and she was (and still is) family. But, being hard-up for topics other than cycling stuff, I decided I’d go through and write a short … Read more


As amateur athletes, we often struggle to find the balancing point where hobby and the rest of our lives overlap — and that overlap can be both time and financial. Being an endurance athlete isn’t cheap in hours or dollars, and often we get so caught-up in that we miss the bigger picture. Yesterday my … Read more