For various reasons, I am reconsidering the amount of time and effort I put into writing for this blog. There are positives and negatives to having this thing, however, and I am contemplating those lately as I think about whether or not it’s worth it to continue (most likely) and how much I should write for it (TBD).
The Things I Think About Sometimes
I am 41 years old and still wear cargo shorts. Is this a life fail (Y/N)?
— Dan Bailey (@fontosaurus) June 16, 2014
Okay, so it’s not always as inane as the tweet above. Actually, I spend a lot of time thinking about the future (see also: my StandOut! results), and not in a daydream-y, fanboy kind of way, but in a more concrete, “what are the possibilities and how can I prepare for them?” kind of way.