The Work

September has seen me getting better. And I’m grateful. The work I’ve been doing has been paying off, and I feel happier, more content with things, especially as I creep closer to having a clear cut battle plan for what the future is going to hold.

So what have I been doing lately?

Well, there’s personal therapy, my physical work, and the personal work I’m tackling.

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What I Believe In (2015 Edition)

As part of my growth, one of the things I want to do every year, is to look at what I believe, the underpinnings of who I am morally, spiritually (though the atheist in me cringes at the word). What are my belief structures? What makes me tick? I think this will be a beginning of the year thing, rather than the end. The purpose is to give me something to look back at in the coming years, to see how my beliefs have changed, and to remember what’s important to me.

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If you’ve followed this blog at all since late 2014, you’ll have noted that I’m on something of a self-improvement kick. Between going to therapy (including EMDR), and working on my own, I’ve been trying to improve myself as a human being.

Recently, though, things spun out of control, and I’ve been forced to come to terms with a lot of stuff. Stuff that I thought I had pretty well repressed.

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