Today, You Are Three

Dear Edwin, What a difference a year makes. In the time since your second birthday, you’ve changed so much. Most notably, you talk. Non. Stop. And it’s awesome. You have preferences about what you like and about how things are done, and you aren’t afraid to show it. Some people might call you difficult; I … Read more

2014: Favorite Pictures

This was a monumentally weird year. It started difficult — I was unemployed, and our unemployment insurance had run out, we had to put the house on the market, and Kate’s Honda was totaled in an accident that left her banged-up pretty badly. Then in May, I landed a new job, and the house sold, and we traded my annoying Kia for a new Honda Odyssey. The rest of the year was up and down, but it definitely had some great moments.

B-Day Cake

Peeling an Orange


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