Rebuild Underway

So I’ve finally gotten my shit together with regards to the rebuild of this site. I’ve nuked a significant percentage of my old posts here — mostly the inane bullshit — and that’s knocked me down from ~1400 or so posts down to 180-something. I’ll be going through those a second time. I’m also going … Read more

Accomplishments: March 2023

So I set off with some big goals for March of 2023: So how’d it go? Full-Stack Bootcamp This thing (The Web Developer Bootcamp 2023) has been the bane of my existence for some time now. I got more than halfway through the Udemy course back in 2021, and then they went and updated the … Read more

Holy Shit…Really?

So things are a bit crazy right now. Okay, a lot crazy. I haven’t really updated much lately, and this will probably be my last real blog post before I completely rebuild this site from scratch. Should we get down to it? We should. I’ll probably break it down by categories, as usual, but first…

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Parental Failure: Books

One of the hardest things for me to deal with as a parent is that neither of my boys likes to read. Language has always been difficult for Eddy, as I’m sure I’ve detailed elsewhere in this blog, and Sam had a good chunk of kindergarten and first grade curtailed by COVID-19, and that’s impacted … Read more

Well, Fuck

This will be my first update of any sort in months. I’m not going to blather about the following topics: the pandemic the Minneapolis riots the elections the insurrection my marriage/separation the kids First off, let me just say that 2020 was fucking weird, yo. What would otherwise would have been the Shittiest Year on … Read more

Nugget: Scars

I originally left this in a comment on Gloria Liu’s blog. Scars are trophies of a life well-lived. It’s no different than a book with dog-eared pages, really — there’s a certain degree of love and respect for material things (bodies included) that results in a bit of damage-by-familiarity. Those little imperfections, the same things … Read more

What I Believe (2020 Edition)


I believe — with evidence — that the Cars movies are set in the same universe as Maximum Overdrive. I also believe — without evidence — that The Golden Child and Big Trouble in Little China are set in the same universe. I believe in beer. I believe in persistence. I believe in the concept … Read more

Book Burnout

For the first time in my life, I think I’m getting sick of reading. Maybe it’s just bad selection of books right now — I’m stuck in the middle of three different books — and I just can’t seem to find any traction with any of them. Maybe it’s that in 2017, I absolutely crushed … Read more

Maker Stuff: March 2018

My inner maker was pretty happy in March. I got a lot done, most of it on the coding side of things. Part of the credit here has to go to the last place I was contracting at, which didn’t have enough incoming work to warrant keeping me around, and so I wound up “on the bench” — which means no office time, but no pay, either. That means I was at home for a good chunk of the month and working on these things (when I wasn’t job hunting, interviewing, or doing housework).

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