Hacks: June-November 2017

This post hopefully closes the gap on the shit I’ve been doing since my last update about my ongoing tinkering/goofing around. This summer/fall was pretty busy, most of my time was spent hunting for a full-time gig and doing freelance work. There was a lot of housework, and errands, and so on, but there was a little bit of tinkering, too.

Hacks: April 2017

“Well, shit, that month didn’t go so well, did it?” That was the first thing that went through my head when I started this draft and started thinking about what tinkering I’d done in April. Of course, I wasn’t really thinking about the fact that it was April 18th when I started the draft and that I had almost two full weeks left in the month. Here’s what I got after in April:

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Five Ways I Cope with Kids’ TV Shows

Sing along with the songs, but intentionally butcher the lyrics. Sing along with the songs, but in a Death Metal voice. Go in the other room and sob because they’ll never know the joy of the classic Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner Show. Knitting needle + eardrums + eye sockets = peaceful bliss. Using television as a method … Read more

macOS Power User (Links)

https://github.com/herrbischoff/awesome-osx-command-line https://github.com/herrbischoff/awesome-osx-command-line/blob/master/functions.md https://github.com/iCHAIT/awesome-macOS https://github.com/spmaniato/os-x-power-user-guide

Hacks: February 2017

Code/Web One of the larger tasks this month was building out a new webserver and leaving the old one behind. During that time, I solved a lot of the little bullshit problems I’d been coping with and got a bunch of stuff done — went from Ubuntu 12 to 16, upgraded to PHP 7, switched … Read more

What I Believe In (2017 Edition)

I believe that the best way to determine how someone is going to treat you is to watch how they treat other people. I believe that more manufacturers should work toward selling items that can be repaired in a home workshop — and that the trend toward making goods disposable has really harmed the tinkerer/manufacturer … Read more