Closing Out 2013

1. What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?I don’t think there was anything noteworthy this year that was a “first”… 2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year?I can’t see anywhere that I wrote down resolutions for 2013. I will make a few … Read more

Three Things I Have Taught Myself

I’ve always been something of an autodidact — I have this insatiable need to know things, both factual and procedural. It’s something that I think has really helped me get to where I am in life, and something that I want to foster in my kids. For that matter, I think that instilling a love … Read more

Writing as Programming

One of the reasons I always enjoyed programming was that by its nature, I could break a project apart into digestible chunks and attack each of them individually. One of the reasons I hated programming was that it was too heavy on the logic and too light on the room for creativity. With writing, it … Read more

One Year Into Fatherhood

(The actual date is this Sunday, but man, no one reads blogs on the weekend.) The hardest part of being a dad so far is that in dealing with Eddy, I need to remember that I am trying to handle what amounts to the purest embodiment of the id: an infant. As Kyle Reese said, … Read more

Thoughts on Aurora

Any time I hear a pro-gun person whining about how “they’re going to take away our guns” whenever something like Aurora or Columbine happens, two thoughts go through my head: First, instead of worrying about the Second Amendment right away, maybe you should take 5 minutes to reflect on what the victims and their families … Read more

Little Human

One of the coolest things about being a new dad is seeing all the little moments of discovery. With infants there’s this moment when “the lights come on” — for the first few weeks, you are in possession of a little lump of meat that eats, sleeps, and poops, and screams a lot while doing … Read more