Greg LeMond’s Dumbshit Idea

As the years have worn on, Greg LeMond has taken a turn in my eyes and appears to have become a bitter, curmudgeonly old man. As soon as Lance Armstrong won his first Tour, Greg has begun muttering about doping and cheating as if it’s this new, horrible thing that has ruined cycling. As Lance won more Tours, more events, and eclipsed LeMond’s success, Greg’s complaining, drama-creating, attention-seeking garbage became more loud and more pathetic. When Floyd Landis won* a Tour, Greg was vaulted into the limelight more directly. I always found it strange that Greg never gunned for Tyler Hamilton — but oh, that’s right, Tyler Hamilton never “tainted” Greg’s legacy by winning a Tour de France.

So, eventually, everything went away. Landis was found guilty of doping and was summarily suspended. Lance was in retirement. And we didn’t hear much from Greg.

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Saying Goodbye to My Best Friend

In a bit of serendipity, Mooch came home with me on a rainy Saturday afternoon, riding in the passenger seat of a Honda, with Nirvana on the radio. A decade later, she left home for the last time, much the same way. Kate drove and Mooch was cradled in my arms, wrapped in a blanket. … Read more


As amateur athletes, we often struggle to find the balancing point where hobby and the rest of our lives overlap — and that overlap can be both time and financial. Being an endurance athlete isn’t cheap in hours or dollars, and often we get so caught-up in that we miss the bigger picture. Yesterday my … Read more

Compatible Technologies

The two greatest technologies are wireless Internet and indoor plumbing. And despite the 100+ years separating their respective inceptions, they’re really quite compatible. Not that I’d know or anything. I’m just sayin’.

Books About Writing Books

So I got asked today about how-to-write books — specifically, I was asked to recommend a few. Given that this seems to be a topic that comes up now and then, I am going to recommend two-and-a-half of them (one is specific for F&SF writers).

The first is On Writing by Stephen King. This is the book that I re-read every so often. King puts together an autobiography and a lecture on craft into one easy-to-read manuscript. The thing is, most writers would put together an autobiography that would read as “if you didn’t grow up like I did, you’ll never amount to much.” King doesn’t do that. Instead, he draws on elements of his upbringing that illustrate how his life shaped him as a writer, and are easily identifiable as things that could have just as easily happened to you. The result is a frank, sometimes funny, sometimes sad book on not just craft, but what it really means to be a writer.

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Obama Endorsement

This cyclist endorses Barack Obama for the Presidency. Because he’s clearly a long-time cyclist and his platform actually includes a bike plan. Actually, that’s not my only reason for endorsing the man, but I’ll post about that at a later date.