Five Things I’d REALLY Do If I Won the Lottery

1. Grant at least 20{3b4d110c5d1596d2297e6430d163d306168bc3d03da137601e3ed8beb4b12205} of my winnings to charity — Home for Life, the ASPCA, and other animal charities would likely top the list. 2. Have my own CubeSat launched, to look at the viability of an M2P2 mag sail. Because I am a giant dork. 3. Travel the world/completely nuke my bucket list. … Read more

The Last 24 Hours Plus Context

So as some of you may have noticed on Twitter/FB yesterday, things have been kind of craptastic lately. The past three consecutive weeks have been among the toughest I’ve faced since leaving the military, and while there are times I’ve thought I’d break, I seem to be starting to turn it around. Context So in … Read more