Hacks: March 2016

One of the things that’s been good for my mental health is that I’m tinkering a lot more. I find that it definitely keeps me from overthinking the shitty parts of my life.

Software Based Fun

Hipsterbot — grabs a block of text from hipsterjesus via the API, breaks it up into an array of sentences that are less than 140 characters, and then picks one at random to tweet.

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Hacks: February 2016

This month, I got back into hacking out some stuff. It wasn’t because I was bored or anything — I just felt the need to start flexing my geek muscles again, and start mucking about with stuff. Really, the goal here is to sharpen my skills/thinking, and to start learning the skillset I need for … Read more

Five Weird Things About Me

1. I have a Pavlovian response to the word “lemonade.” If I hear the word, read it, or even think it, my mouth starts watering. This is awesome when I’m hungover and have horrible cottom-mouth. Just think “lemonade!” and woosh!–problem solved! 2. Since the age of eight, I have had this weird tendency to look … Read more

FF Update: Week One

Opponent: Superbowl or bust Result: Win Score: 135.22 to 104.36 Season Record: 1-0 Thoughts: The real work of the season for me began on Tuesday prior to the start of the first weekend of football, having to replace my kicker. The Saints, for whatever reason, dropped Shayne Graham, whom I promptly replaced with the kicker … Read more

Solving Police Violence

With the Michael Brown case having brought the issue of militarized police to the forefront here in the U.S., it’s important that we start discussing the issues that are at-hand, but we seriously need to think about solutions. First of all, we need to deter violence as the immediate solution by police. To that end, … Read more

Five Cars That I Never Want to Own

1. The Pedal Pub. Jesus, can you imagine? 2. Anything made by Dodge. Because every Dodge I’ve ever seen that’s older than two years looks and feels completely fucking ghetto. 3. A Smart Car. For starters, I’m 6’2″ — me getting into a Smart Car is like an elephant trying to fuck a chihuahua. Sad. … Read more

The Things I Think About Sometimes

Okay, so it’s not always as inane as the tweet above. Actually, I spend a lot of time thinking about the future (see also: my StandOut! results), and not in a daydream-y, fanboy kind of way, but in a more concrete, “what are the possibilities and how can I prepare for them?” kind of way.

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