Updates From the Sam Front

It occurred to me recently that, while I’ve mentioned him in passing, I don’t talk about Sam too in-depth here. I guess the reasoning behind that is two-pronged — one, parenting is kind of “old hat” at this point. I got this. Two, I kind of dread becoming the parent that does nothing but talk … Read more


I originally said it on Twitter:

And I stand by that statement. The most important moment in your life will be the one in which you realize that, like many people, you are inherently full of shit, and the person you’re lying to most is yourself. This is not to say you’re a bad human being, or that you are somehow malicious and self-sabotaging. The lies we tell ourselves are the lies that allow us to cope with the world around us. And that world around us is isn’t, if we’re among the 99{3b4d110c5d1596d2297e6430d163d306168bc3d03da137601e3ed8beb4b12205}, structured to our benefit.

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Recounting a Nightmare

So Thursday night, I had one of the worst nightmares I’ve ever had. Worse, unlike good dreams that are interrupted, I was never able to escape this one. I’d fall back asleep and the nightmare would return, and it’d be even worse. All day today, it stuck with me and I couldn’t get rid of … Read more

Closing Out 2013

1. What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?I don’t think there was anything noteworthy this year that was a “first”… 2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year?I can’t see anywhere that I wrote down resolutions for 2013. I will make a few … Read more

Thoughts on Aurora

Any time I hear a pro-gun person whining about how “they’re going to take away our guns” whenever something like Aurora or Columbine happens, two thoughts go through my head: First, instead of worrying about the Second Amendment right away, maybe you should take 5 minutes to reflect on what the victims and their families … Read more