Saying Goodbye to My Best Friend

In a bit of serendipity, Mooch came home with me on a rainy Saturday afternoon, riding in the passenger seat of a Honda, with Nirvana on the radio. A decade later, she left home for the last time, much the same way. Kate drove and Mooch was cradled in my arms, wrapped in a blanket. … Read more


As amateur athletes, we often struggle to find the balancing point where hobby and the rest of our lives overlap — and that overlap can be both time and financial. Being an endurance athlete isn’t cheap in hours or dollars, and often we get so caught-up in that we miss the bigger picture. Yesterday my … Read more

Compatible Technologies

The two greatest technologies are wireless Internet and indoor plumbing. And despite the 100+ years separating their respective inceptions, they’re really quite compatible. Not that I’d know or anything. I’m just sayin’.

Books About Writing Books

So I got asked today about how-to-write books — specifically, I was asked to recommend a few. Given that this seems to be a topic that comes up now and then, I am going to recommend two-and-a-half of them (one is specific for F&SF writers).

The first is On Writing by Stephen King. This is the book that I re-read every so often. King puts together an autobiography and a lecture on craft into one easy-to-read manuscript. The thing is, most writers would put together an autobiography that would read as “if you didn’t grow up like I did, you’ll never amount to much.” King doesn’t do that. Instead, he draws on elements of his upbringing that illustrate how his life shaped him as a writer, and are easily identifiable as things that could have just as easily happened to you. The result is a frank, sometimes funny, sometimes sad book on not just craft, but what it really means to be a writer.

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Obama Endorsement

This cyclist endorses Barack Obama for the Presidency. Because he’s clearly a long-time cyclist and his platform actually includes a bike plan. Actually, that’s not my only reason for endorsing the man, but I’ll post about that at a later date.