So. Tinkering. This month was productive, but it also wasn’t. How to best explain that? Well, I had a freelance gig that I had to build out, and I learned a ton about the WordPress back-end, ZURB Foundation 6, and jQuery, but it wasn’t for personal hack-y projects. I did manage to get some geeky going, though, which is nice.
Dan Bailey
Awesome Web Reads: February 2018
GQ had a great interview with Quincy Jones. John Perry Barlow, founder of the EFF died early in the month. Kottke shared his 25 Principles of Adult Behavior In saecula saeculorum was a thought-provoking look at the eras of an empire. Tim Ferriss has a great (and short) podcast called The 9 Habits to Stop … Read more
Other Chili, Other Stuff
This blog is supposed to be focused on tinkering/making/hacking stuff. So why am I posting another chili recipe? Well, mainly because I can’t stop tinkering — every time I try a recipe, I mess with it a bit. My Unholy Good Chili recipe started fairly simple and grew over many iterations into a burn-the-hair-off-your-feet monstrosity. It wasn’t something I wanted to cook up for the Birchwood Bike Team Superbowl Party, as I wanted something more mild. So I found a different recipe, and scribbled it down. Then I edited the hell out of it to formulate my own take on it. I’d say about 60{3b4d110c5d1596d2297e6430d163d306168bc3d03da137601e3ed8beb4b12205} of the original recipe remains, if that.
Tinkering/Nerdery: January 2018
Going to try to be more on-the-spot with these posts in 2018. In 2017, I was busy pretty much constantly and unfortunately, some of the tinkering fell by the wayside. So let’s chitchat about what went down in January of 2018, and what my nerdy goals for 2018 are.
Hacks: June-November 2017
This post hopefully closes the gap on the shit I’ve been doing since my last update about my ongoing tinkering/goofing around. This summer/fall was pretty busy, most of my time was spent hunting for a full-time gig and doing freelance work. There was a lot of housework, and errands, and so on, but there was a little bit of tinkering, too.
Hacks: May 2017
Work — both normal day-to-day stuff and freelance — took up a large share of my time. Combine that with my back issues flaring up again, and nothing much on the physical side of the tinkering list got addressed at all.
Hacks: April 2017
“Well, shit, that month didn’t go so well, did it?” That was the first thing that went through my head when I started this draft and started thinking about what tinkering I’d done in April. Of course, I wasn’t really thinking about the fact that it was April 18th when I started the draft and that I had almost two full weeks left in the month. Here’s what I got after in April:
Five Ways I Cope with Kids’ TV Shows
Sing along with the songs, but intentionally butcher the lyrics. Sing along with the songs, but in a Death Metal voice. Go in the other room and sob because they’ll never know the joy of the classic Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner Show. Knitting needle + eardrums + eye sockets = peaceful bliss. Using television as a method … Read more
macOS Power User (Links)
Hacks: February 2017
Code/Web One of the larger tasks this month was building out a new webserver and leaving the old one behind. During that time, I solved a lot of the little bullshit problems I’d been coping with and got a bunch of stuff done — went from Ubuntu 12 to 16, upgraded to PHP 7, switched … Read more