Echoes of Our Parents

As you age, you begin to notice echoes of your parents in your day-to-day behavior. This is particularly difficult if, like me, one those parents was a waste of carbon. There are times when I am surprised or even amused at things — for example, I talk to cats the same way my mother does (same tone, same words, same rhythms of speech) — and there are times when I am horrified by things, like when I do or say anything like my father would have done.

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Hacks: June 2016

I’m still hacking away at stuff for a variety of reasons — to satisfy my curiosity, to learn stuff useful in my career, to turn my small business into something awesome, to keep me sane. This month, I did a few things that I released to the world under the Creative Commons, but I also … Read more

Hacks: May 2016

I didn’t do an update to this series in April because, well, I didn’t do much. If anything. Life has been in a state of non-stop upheaval for months now, and it’s left me too stressed to put energy into this sort of stuff. In May, though, I did get a few things started and worked on, which has been fun.

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“Intellectual” Discourse

If only all political discussions could be so entertaining. From Twitter in February, in case you missed it:

Hacks: March 2016

One of the things that’s been good for my mental health is that I’m tinkering a lot more. I find that it definitely keeps me from overthinking the shitty parts of my life.

Software Based Fun

Hipsterbot — grabs a block of text from hipsterjesus via the API, breaks it up into an array of sentences that are less than 140 characters, and then picks one at random to tweet.

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