5 Reasons NOT to Bike to Work

1. Because you totally played football in high school and you’re still, like, totally in-shape and stuff. Never mind that beer gut, never mind that you get winded walking up a couple flights of stairs — you could totally go out and play with the high school kids now. Even if you’re too out-of-shape to … Read more

Hello, Bike

My training schedule got interrupted by my grandmother’s funeral and the drama surrounding it, and I’ve been waffling a lot about what to do. So I’m getting back to it tonight after work — starting with an endurance ride and weights, followed by a good soak in the jacuzzi. After the gym, I need to … Read more

The Tale So Far…

So I left Tuesday at noon-ish, in order to avoid the worst of the shit in/around Chicago. Things were fine through the first 240 or so miles of Wisconsin, and then just west of Madison, the weather went to shit. There was a lot of blowing snow, but not so much that the roads were unpassable. In fact, the pavement was generally pretty dry. The closer I got to Chicago, however, the worse it got. All in all, the trip to Chitown took about nine hours.

I arrived at Dave and Kristin’s around 9:30pm, unloaded my stuff and we hung out and talked and had some wine and such. Always good to hang out with them and chat. I woke up the next morning way earlier than them — they’re both full-time students (she’s a Ph.D. candidate, he’s in the MBA program at Kellogg), and looked out the window and said, “Aw, hell, that doesn’t look too bad.”

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What I’ve Learned in 2010

This post is a log of everything I’ve learned in 2010 — I’m starting it on January 5th and will be appending it as the year progresses. It will automatically post at 11:59pm on December 31st.

So, here’s what I’ve learned, in order:

• Getting enough fiber in your diet is important. I won’t go into the ugly details. You’ll have to trust me on this one.

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List of Crappy Shit That’s Happened in My Life, To Date

So with my birthday coming up tomorrow, I have been thinking a lot about my life. I decided to start putting it into context and used Wikipedia to put together a list of all the bad stuff that’s happened since my life began. Next year, I’ll do the list of all the good things that have happened since the same date. Sound like a plan?

• the Christmas bombing of Hanoi

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Today’s To-Do List:

Workshop: 1. Clean up commuter frame and in preparation for powdercoating. 2. Join head tube and down tube for commuter frame. 3. Prep new head tube for Justin’s 26er. 4. Clean-up of lugs on Paul’s road frame. 5. Mark and prep front triangle for internal cable routing on Paul’s road frame. 6. Preparation of rear … Read more

Untitled Work

Just started writing this this morning. I have no idea where the hell the story’s going or anything like that. It stemmed from an idea I had just before bed, and when I woke up, the first page was already there, ready to go, and locked in my brain. Thought you’d like to see the … Read more

White Trash Dip

For those that discussed it with me last night. 2 pounds Velveeta 1 pound ground beef 1 pound ground spicy Italian sausage 1 tbsp. crushed red pepper 1 tbsp. oregano Drop velveeta in crock pot and let it begin to melt. Brown both beef and sausage (together or seperately), drain off about half the fat. … Read more