FTP Weirdness

For cyclists that are training for high-level performance, there’s a number called FTP — or functional threshold power, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing. Your power output is measured in watts (like a lightbulb) and your FTP is the amount of power output you can manage before you start building up lactic acid … Read more

Accomplishments: August 2023

Back in July, I bit off far more than I could chew in a month that was going to be busier than I had anticipated. Thus, I decided to be a little more thoughtful about selecting my to-do list for August of 2023: Training Program August 1st was a rest day, so I didn’t start … Read more

Training Update

trainer road screenshot

Well, the Base 2 segment of my training started, so I feel like it’s a good time to look at what I’ve been doing and results so far. This is the first time I’ve been rigorously sticking to a training program in a timespan counted in decades (more than one, less than two). From the … Read more

Accomplishments: July 2023

making stuff

July came roaring in far more quickly than I expected it would. And that was a little overwhelming. June was not as productive as I would have liked, and July was very much on my mind. For July, I had a bunch of things I wanted to tackle, and while I was fortunate to have … Read more

Training Week One, Complete

So the first full week of training is in the books, and I’m into the second week. So I’m going to touch on results and what I’ve been up to. The Program So I’m using TrainerRoad to get my training done, and I’m building around the plan around a focus on the Tour de Tucson … Read more

Accomplishments: June 2023

After May, which was grueling, I was feeling a little more optimistic about June. here’s what I had planned: Gravel Bike This, unfortunately, didn’t happen. I’m still waiting on the frame to be finished, and that’s not on me. I did get to hang out with the builder for a chunk of a Sunday and … Read more

Back in the Saddle Again

stationary trainer

Not trying to throw out old Aerosmith lyrics with the title, but it’s what best describes the current situation on the bike. If you’re a long-time reader of this blog, you’ll know that I’ve struggled to stay on the bike consistently. Life, lack of discipline, winter blahs, etc., all add up to me not getting … Read more

Accomplishments: May 2023

I knew going in that May was going to be an insanely busy month, with two business trips of a week each. Thus, my battle plan for the month was going to have to be a little more sparse. So here’s what I planned for May: So how’d it go? Pretty okayish. Finishing the Tailwind … Read more