— from How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life by Scott Adams
Dan Bailey
Saying Goodbye to Alex
About the time this post hits the Internet, I will be airborne on my way to Detroit. There I will get in a rental car, drive to Flint, and check in to my hotel. I don’t see my older brother very often — every few years — and this will be the first time since … Read more
Failure always brings something valuable with it.
— Scott Adams, from How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life
Protected: The Week Past
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
You can’t stage an epiphany.
Zombie Spaceship Wasteland by Patton Oswalt
It’s Vasectomy Day!
As such, I am relying on humor to help cope with the fear of my plumbing getting shut off.
The more personal it is, the more universal it is.
— Judd Apatow, interviewed in Esquire, about the greatest showbiz lesson he’s learned
Five Weird Things About Me
1. I have a Pavlovian response to the word “lemonade.” If I hear the word, read it, or even think it, my mouth starts watering. This is awesome when I’m hungover and have horrible cottom-mouth. Just think “lemonade!” and woosh!–problem solved! 2. Since the age of eight, I have had this weird tendency to look … Read more
Five Reasons I’m Looking Forward to a Super-Flu Pandemic
1. 99.9% fewer drivers on the road and interfering with my cycling. 2. Finally! Time to catch up on all my reading! 3. Danarchy! 4. Super-Flu can only mean the development of Super NyQuil. The Q will actually be bigger than the bottle. 5. Never going to have to be disappointed by them remaking the … Read more
It was hard to feel weird in a place where everybody was weird.
— from The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers