Elevator from the Past

The idea for this post came from WordPress’s “365 Days of Writing Prompts“. The premise is to write a scene in which you are trapped in an elevator with someone from your past. I briefly imagined a situation in which I was trapped with one of the people who tormented me throughout my school years. … Read more

Recounting a Nightmare

So Thursday night, I had one of the worst nightmares I’ve ever had. Worse, unlike good dreams that are interrupted, I was never able to escape this one. I’d fall back asleep and the nightmare would return, and it’d be even worse. All day today, it stuck with me and I couldn’t get rid of … Read more

Closing Out 2013

1. What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?I don’t think there was anything noteworthy this year that was a “first”… 2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year?I can’t see anywhere that I wrote down resolutions for 2013. I will make a few … Read more

Writing as Programming

One of the reasons I always enjoyed programming was that by its nature, I could break a project apart into digestible chunks and attack each of them individually. One of the reasons I hated programming was that it was too heavy on the logic and too light on the room for creativity. With writing, it … Read more