It was a tough month for tinkering, but I did manage to get a few things done. Mostly little things, but in the interest of having a nice, complete record of my 2017 work, I’m updating anyway.
Dan Bailey
Hacks: December 2016
December was another month of reduced tinkering. This is probably because the new job was keeping me really busy, and that was compounded by the holidays. So what’s been shaking? Hmmm. Not much, I guess.
What I Believe In (2017 Edition)
I believe that the best way to determine how someone is going to treat you is to watch how they treat other people. I believe that more manufacturers should work toward selling items that can be repaired in a home workshop — and that the trend toward making goods disposable has really harmed the tinkerer/manufacturer … Read more
Hacks: November 2016
November’s tinkering was reduced by life and holiday stuff — new job, Sam’s birthday, the start of the holidays, a death in the family, and so on. It’s been a rough month. I did manage to escape here and there to accomplish a few things, however, and that was good for my mental health.
Anthem for 2016
P.S.: Fuck you, 2016, you heartless piece of shit.
Making Note of the Cubs Win
It seems weird to have this blog in which I document large swaths of my life and not at at least make some note in passing that the Cubs finally ended a drought of 108 years and won the World Series last night.
Hacks: October 2016
Another month of tinkering is behind me. I’ve been plugging away at stuff and here’s what I’ve got — more code, more bike stuff, developments on the 3D printing front, and so forth.
Hacks: August 2016
August was a little more productive than the last few. Perhaps because summer is winding down, and with it comes a bit less crazy and more time to tinker. So I was tackling all manner of crap. Computing/Code One of the things I’ve been struggling with is a good to-do tasking system for my day-to-day … Read more