Happy Birthday, Sam!

Dear Sam, Today, you are a year old. And holy crap, what a year. Watching you grow from a newborn into a baby with his own interests, preferences, and personality has been fun (and, admittedly, frustrating at times). If you’re anything like you are now, you’re going to be a great deal of fun for … Read more

Remember Me?

Been awhile since I’ve really had an update on here other than my weekly Fantasy Football clusterfuck, and my monthly check-in on the progress with the Total Money Makeover. So without bogging this down into a giant yawner, here’s what’s going on.


Getting better with every passing day. Kate and I are attending counseling on a monthly basis and we’re learning a lot about each other, ourselves, and how to communicate better. It’s amazing how much change can happen with just a couple of months of dedicated effort. (I think it also helps that Kate and I are both tackling our personal issues independently of one another.)

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Language Acquisition

The list of words Eddy has added to his vocabulary (regular usage) in the last six days: Black Purple (sometimes uses the sign for “touchdown” derived from our viewing of Vikings games) Shoes Ball Cake Pig No Rock Lamp Nine words in six days. For him, that’s huge. ADDENDUM, 8/7/14 Now adding a word a … Read more

Why Aren’t We Celebrating 25 Years of Major League?

Without question and despite their getting knocked out in the ALCS, the 1989 Cleveland Indians remain one of baseball’s greatest teams. In the early season, held together by a core of aging veterans like catcher Jake Taylor and pitcher Eddie Harris, the Indians struggled. When out-of-control pitcher Ricky Vaughn was diagnosed with poor vision and steps were taken to correct it, the Indians began to gel, and then began a run so improbable that if it hadn’t gone down in the record books, you’d swear it was fiction.

Okay, so it was fiction. But even despite the semi-outlandish premise (you can just cook the books to move a pro team, just ask Norm Green), it was a movie that nailed a combination of memorable characters and great humor in such a way as to be unforgettable. That it’s not getting the same level of recognition as Ghostbusters is getting for its 30th anniversary is, quite frankly, a travesty. Nay, a fucking travesty

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