God, what a fucking shit year. As a whole, I would love to drag it out in the alley, beat it until it begged for death, and then put a bullet in it.1 Violent metaphor aside, I guess I’d just like a do-over on 2016, because reality as taken a walk off the fucking map.
Hacks: November 2016
November’s tinkering was reduced by life and holiday stuff — new job, Sam’s birthday, the start of the holidays, a death in the family, and so on. It’s been a rough month. I did manage to escape here and there to accomplish a few things, however, and that was good for my mental health.
Anthem for 2016
P.S.: Fuck you, 2016, you heartless piece of shit.
Making Note of the Cubs Win
It seems weird to have this blog in which I document large swaths of my life and not at at least make some note in passing that the Cubs finally ended a drought of 108 years and won the World Series last night.
Hacks: October 2016
Another month of tinkering is behind me. I’ve been plugging away at stuff and here’s what I’ve got — more code, more bike stuff, developments on the 3D printing front, and so forth.
Hacks: August 2016
August was a little more productive than the last few. Perhaps because summer is winding down, and with it comes a bit less crazy and more time to tinker. So I was tackling all manner of crap. Computing/Code One of the things I’ve been struggling with is a good to-do tasking system for my day-to-day … Read more
Five Things Worse Than Gas Station Sushi
Gas station sushi was a topic that came up frequently with an old friend. It’s still the first phrase that pops into my head when I see something horrible. For this list, I decided to come up with things that were even worse.