Going to try to be more on-the-spot with these posts in 2018. In 2017, I was busy pretty much constantly and unfortunately, some of the tinkering fell by the wayside. So let’s chitchat about what went down in January of 2018, and what my nerdy goals for 2018 are.
What I Believe In (2017 Edition)
I believe that the best way to determine how someone is going to treat you is to watch how they treat other people. I believe that more manufacturers should work toward selling items that can be repaired in a home workshop — and that the trend toward making goods disposable has really harmed the tinkerer/manufacturer … Read more
Anthem for 2016
P.S.: Fuck you, 2016, you heartless piece of shit.
Making Note of the Cubs Win
It seems weird to have this blog in which I document large swaths of my life and not at at least make some note in passing that the Cubs finally ended a drought of 108 years and won the World Series last night.
Echoes of Our Parents
As you age, you begin to notice echoes of your parents in your day-to-day behavior. This is particularly difficult if, like me, one those parents was a waste of carbon. There are times when I am surprised or even amused at things — for example, I talk to cats the same way my mother does (same tone, same words, same rhythms of speech) — and there are times when I am horrified by things, like when I do or say anything like my father would have done.
“Intellectual” Discourse
If only all political discussions could be so entertaining. From Twitter in February, in case you missed it:
#GOPMovies The Silence of the Sheeple
— Dan Bailey (@fontosaurus) February 25, 2016
@fontosaurus it puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the earned income tax credit removed.
— JP Sherman (@jpsherman) February 25, 2016
@jpsherman "Would you fuck the middle class? I'd fuck the middle class!"
— Dan Bailey (@fontosaurus) February 25, 2016
@fontosaurus OH MY GAWD. that's perfect, so bloody perfect. You win. hands down. you win.
— JP Sherman (@jpsherman) February 25, 2016
@jpsherman I have my moments.
— Dan Bailey (@fontosaurus) February 25, 2016