“Intellectual” Discourse

If only all political discussions could be so entertaining. From Twitter in February, in case you missed it:

What I Believe In (2016 Edition)

I believe that Mister Rogers was about the closest to the embodiment of the Buddha that’s walked the Earth. I believe in love and science — those are my religion. I believe my integrity is important. I believe that having a logical explanation for something does nothing to reduce the magic of its existence. I … Read more

Saturday Night Epiphany

Saturday night, after getting home late, I had the opportunity to do some navel-gazing. Instead of the usual self-abusive internal dialogue, I spent some time trying to think about an issue I struggle with, rather than to just lie there and beat the shit out of myself. Anyway, I’ve been on my self-improvement kick lately, … Read more

Five Things That Hurt My Soul Something Fierce

1. The inevitability of death and how our short lifespans render us largely unable to make meaningful impact on the universe we inhabit. 2. That in the face of a largely uncaring and hostile-to-life universe, that people would take issue over something as fucking trivial as the color of someone else’s skin or what imaginary … Read more

What I’ve Learned in 2015

• I like Frank Sinatra‘s music. • That it’s possible to lie to yourself for years and convince yourself that everything’s fine, even if it’s not. • If your flight has a layover in O’Hare, then a trip from Minneapolis to Detroit will take more time than a direct flight from Minneapolis to London. • … Read more